SMART Personalised Fitness

Personal Training

Turning your SMART goals into amazing results!

What are SMART goals?

Specific – ‘I want to lose weight’

Measurable – ‘I want to lose 10kg’

Attainable – ‘I want to lose 10kg by eating well and being active’

Realistic – ‘I want to lose 10kg by eating well and being active, and I will be able to work out 4 times each week’

Timed – ‘I want to lose 10kg in 3 months by eating well and being active, and I will be able to work out 4 times each week’

During your journey your goals may change but the SMART principle remains the same. We would all love to say ‘I want to lose 30kg in 5 weeks, eat carbohydrates for every meal and train only once a week’. But instead we should set SMART goals to lay the foundations for sustainable and achievable results. Once you have achieved these results this will inspire you to reach for other goals, things that you never dreamed possible. You may be 10kg lighter and fitter than ever, so what is next? The answer is - anything you want, the sky is the limit.

About me

If someone had said to me 3 years ago that I would be a personal trainer, eat organic and raw foods, and live an active lifestyle – I probably would have checked to see if it was April Fool’s day. I was unfit, unhappy, unhealthy and overweight. My biggest goal was to get home from work and open the fridge, and honestly if anyone caught me running they should call 000 as I was clearly being chased!

With the help of friends, family and the fitness professionals I met along the way I have learnt so much about fitness, nutrition and most of all myself.

My advice would be – dream big and stay with it. You never know what the next 3 years could bring...
